Avalanches, Snow and Skiing
These are my passions

Hi guys, My passion is firstly outdoors and specifically snow related environment. When I am not watching the winter Olympics you can find me training people in everything snow related. Survival, Skiing and how to navigate the great dangers of the snowy mountain environment. I have set up this website to provide my thoughts and teachings on such matters.
Arnie Innes ‧ Founder
Hey everyone, my name is Arnie and I am an American who is obsessed with Avalanches, snow, and skiing in general. The aim of my website is to provide research and education in my areas of expertise.
If you’re planning a hike on a snowy mountain, or a ski trip with friends or are just generally interested in avalanches you have come to the right place.
I will periodically be updating my blog to add new and interesting content.